It's Friday!
Today we are going to describe our wimpy kid avatar. You kept it, right? I hope so!🤞
I made a google presentation that we are going to share, and complete together. It's important you follow the steps:
1. Watch Carol's video to learn how to complete the task. She shows how to insert pictures and audios.
2. Look for your name, and complete your task:
Write your description + record your audio + insert picture & audio
IMPORTANT: Solo completo mi dispositiva, NO puedo escribir en el resto.
TIP💡: Follow Carol's example to complete your description. Also, use your "Describing people" notes.
* Si necesitas ayuda en casa, pídela cuando no estén trabajando. Aprovecha el fin de semana que seguro que tienen más tiempo. Tienes tooooda una semana para completar la actividad, ¿vale?
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